How to clean your glasses

Laser vision correction

Proper cleaning of spectacles your not only keeps your vision clear, but also prevents lens scratches and other damage. Here is what you must do to clean your glasses. 

How to clean your glasses

Here are some tips about how to clean your spectacle lenses and frames, without damaging them. 

You can use the same principles for taking care of 

  1. Prescription glasses
  2. Sunglasses
  3. Sports eye wear 
  4. Protective glasses

Wash and dry your hands 

Before you clean your glasses, make sure your hands  are clean and grease free. Dry your hands with a clean, lint-free towel to clean your hands.

Rinse your glasses under running tap water.

A gentle stream of running tap water will remove dust and other debris. Remeber, you must use cold or lukewarm water, since hot water can damage the special coatings that some spectacles have.

Use a small amount of lotion-free soap to each lens.

You can use your regular soap or any dish washing liquid soap. Apply a drop or two, and gently scrub both sides of the lenses, with your fingertips. Make sure you remember the scrub the frmae and nosepads as well. The soap helps remove any debris and grease. You can also use a special spectacle cleaning solution for this.

Rinse your glasses thoroughly.

This is important because any residual soap can lead to smears on the glasses.

Dry the lenses with a clean, lint-free cloth or towel.

Dirty towels have debris trapped within the fibers of the cloth. This can scratch your lenses. Any oily residue can smear the lenses, making them less than sparking clean. A clean microfiber cloth, usually supplied with your spectacles is the best for drying your glasses.

What NOT to use to clean your glasses.

  • DON’T use your outfit to clean your glasses. Avoid using your handkerchief or t-shirt, especially when the lenses are dry.
  • DON’T use saliva to clean your lenses.
  • DON’T use household surface cleaners.
  • DON’T use tissue paper or toilet paper to clean your lenses.