Are You Fit For LASIK?

Want to get rid of your glasses? Are you considering LASIK? Do you want to know if you are fit for LASIK? Read on!

Vision and Learning

Almost 80 percent of what a child learns in school is presented visually. Which is why learning and vision are so closely linked. Good vision is critical for us all: more so for students of all ages to enable their learning process.

LASIK Recovery Timeline

LASIK eye surgery is done to correct your vision. This reduces the need for glasses, and is a safe method of vision correction. If you are considering the surgery, you must know what to expect in terms of the LASIK recovery timeline.

Does Your Child Need Glasses

Older children, of course, will be able to tell you that they aren’t able to see clearly. Younger children are often unable to explain this. Moreover, in case the decrease in vision is gradual, even older children may not be able to comprehend the change. Here are a few signs that may indicate that your child needs glasses and may be experiencing vision related problems.