Eye Health During Exams for High School and College Students

adult blur books close up

So you’re preparing for an exam and working very hard? Are you also struggling with eye strain and headaches? If yes, read on for some tips on eye health during exams for high school and college students.

Take regular breaks during exams

Always remember the 20-20-20 rule (look at least 20 feet away, after closing your eyes for 20 seconds for every 20 minutes of screen time). This decreases the risk of computer vision syndrome and eye strain. In addition to this, for every two hours of study, walk around, exercise, or do something that helps you relax. This will help you physically, and mentally.

Sleep is essential for eye health during exams

While the temptation to burn the midnight oil is great, remember, sleep is essential for eye health during exams. Sleep not only helps your mind and body repair themselves, it also helps you remain agile and alert.  Sleep is also essential for your eyes. Sleeping less than the required six to eight hours can result in headache, eye strain, and fatigue. Remember, sleep relaxes the eye muscles and helps your eye muscles work better. Therefore, sleep helps the lens of your eyes in focusing images better.

Change your chair and sit up straight

Get out of the bed when studying. Use an adjustable chair to improve your viewing angle and posture. Sit up straight in your chair, a little away from the screen to decrease eye strain.  

Reduce screen time for better eye health during exams

Remember, both eye strain and dryness are the result of excessive screen time. Even though reading on paper also causes eye strain, it is kinder on the eyes than screens. Try and limit your screen time as much as possible. Therefore, when possible, use paper books and print your digital notes instead of reading off screens. If you must read from a screen, remember, the larger the screen, the less the eye strain. So, avoid using your smartphones, and use your laptop instead.  

Use your glasses

Remember to wear your glasses when studying for your exams. If you do not wear your prescribed glasses, the eyes have to struggle to focus the reading material, leading to symptoms of eye strain, fatigue, blurred vision and headaches. Using glasses or spectacles, is better than contact lenses. This is because contact lenses increase your risk of dry eyes and eye strain. shows that contact lens users have a higher risk of blurred vision, dry eyes, headache, and computer vision syndrome. The reason behind this association is not yet understood. You may also consider anti-glare glasses in case you use screens for an extended period.

Remember to blink more often

Blinking helps redistribute your tear film keeping your eyes moist. This helps prevent dry eyes, and eye strain. Blinking also helps the eye muscles relax. This decreases the incidence of dry eyes, strain, and gritty eyes. You may also use over the counter, preservative free lubricating eyedrops to help with dry eyes.

Watch what you eat

We often binge eat when studying. Remember, healthy eyes can only live in a healthy body, so it is important to eat well. Take regular meals, do not try crash diets, or binge on sugary foods. All of them are equally deleterious to eye health.  Maintain your optimal weight. Remember, exams are a time of great stress, and you must take care of your health, as well as your eyes, when studying for your college or school exams.

Watch what you drink

Even though caffeine is your go to drink so as to keep you alert when studying for your exams, it can be very dehydrating. Therefore, it is important to cut back on your caffeine intake.

Instead, drink at least eight to ten glasses of water to keep your body well hydrated.

Talk to your doctor

In case your headaches, blurred vision or eye strain persist despite taking all these steps, you must contact your doctor. She will make sure your eyes are healthy, and if not, help you with prescription eyedrops. She may also suggest some exercises for better eye health.

Good luck, and remember, your health is much more important than any school or college exam, so you must take good care of yourself. Consistent hard work is the key to success, and so is good health! Therefore, you must follow the above recommendations for better eye health during exams for high school and college students.