Does Your Child Need Glasses

Choose eye glasses for children

Older children, of course, will be able to tell you that they aren’t able to see clearly. Younger children are often unable to explain this. Moreover, in case the decrease in vision is gradual, even older children may not be able to comprehend the change. Here are a few signs that may indicate that your child needs glasses and may be experiencing vision related problems. 


Squinting may indicate some problems in vision, and that your child needs glasses, or has a refractive error, this impacts if the eyes can focus on an image. By squinting, your child may be able to improve this focus. 

Tilting head or covering one eye

Your child may try to cover one eye or tilt his or her head. This may indicate that the eyes are misaligned or have a squint. The possibility of lazy eye, or amblyopia must also be ruled out. 

Sitting too close to the television or holding books very close to face to read

This may indicate poor vision, and the child may need glasses for vision correction. hand-held devices too close to the eyes. Bringing an object closer makes its image bigger and clearer. This is why a child with poor vision will be able to see better if the book or screen device is closer to his eyes.

Rubbing eyes

Excessive eye rubbing may be an indication of eye fatigue or strain. This may be seen if the child needs glasses for vision correction. Other possibilities include allergic conjunctivitis, dry eye etc.

Headaches and eye pain

if your child needs glasses, he or she may complain of eye pain or headaches. This is especially noted at the end of the day. In order to focus the blurred image, the child overexerts. This leads to muscle fatigue, strain and often, pain.

Difficulty in school work and learning

Often, lack of focus on schoolwork may be due to poor vision. If the child is unable to focus the writing on the board or the textbook clearly, he or she may appear disinterested in learning. All children struggling with schoolwork should get an eye check. 


If you wear glasses, your child also may need glasses.

What to Do If Your Child Needs Glasses

Normally, vision screenings are conducted by your child’s school once a year. If the child has any of the above mentioned symptoms, or if the school vision screening indicates poor vision, please get his or her vision checked by your eye doctor

She will perform a comprehensive exam for the child. This will assess visual acuity, or the clarity and sharpness of vision, as well as the following: 

  • Squint ( called strabismus or crossed eyes) and eye alignment
  • Depth perception
  • Overall health of the retina, optic nerve, cornea and surface of the eye
  • Rule out any amblyopia or other serious eye conditions

In case your child already has glasses, it’s important to get their eyes checked by your eye doctor. 

If not, doctors recommend one comprehensive eye check around 3 years of age, and then every alternate year. In case either of the parents wear glasses, it is better to get their vision check every year. This is the best way to know if your child needs glasses.