Can Mascara Damage Your Eyes?

Eyelashes protect the eyes from dust, debris and sand by trapping them. Therefore it is important to understand how mascara can damage your eyes, and eye lashes. Also, here are some recommendations for keeping your eyes safe when using eye makeup.

Alcohol and Eyes

All of us know that alcohol can harm our bodies, what do you know about its effect on your eyes? Consuming alcohol can alter your vision temporarily, and give you bloodshot eyes. The long term effects of drinking, however, can also be permanent. Here is what you need to know about the effect of alcohol on your eyes.

Eye Health During Exams for High School and College Students

So you’re preparing for an exam and working very hard? Are you also struggling with eye strain and headaches? If yes, read on for some tips on eye health during exams for high school and college students.

Eye Health at the Workplace

Even minor eye problems can decrease productivity. Moreover, many of us struggle with computer vision syndrome, CVS, and the related eye strain, dry eyes, eye irritation, blurred vision and double vision. Also, some of us work in hazardous environments, with a higher risk of eye injury. This article gives you some tips for better eye health at the workplace.

Types of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a very good choice for people who needs vision correction but don’t want to wear glasses, or undergo LASIK surgery. To know if contact lenses are the right choice for you, read on about types of contacts lenses.