Meibomian Gland Disease (MGD) is a common yet often underdiagnosed eye condition that can significantly impact your ocular comfort and vision. Understanding MGD, its causes, symptoms, and available treatments, is crucial for maintaining healthy eyes and improving your quality of life.
Tag: screen time
Computer Glasses
As digital eye strain increases with increased dependence on screens, computer glasses can enhance your comfort and productivity.
Why is Reading Difficult as We Become Older
As you become older, you may find reading difficult. In fact, you may also notice that you’re holding books and restaurant menus farther, to see clearly. This is a normal process of ageing: all of us face this struggle, and is due to changes within your eyes over time. This refractive error, or vision problem, is called presbyopia.
Smartphones May Damage Your Eyes
Smartphones have spearheaded the revolution in communication. They have made our lives so simple, and staying in touch so easy….
Eye Exercises: How and Why
There are several eye exercise programs available online. Most of these claim to offer freedom from glasses, or at least…