Smoking can cause a number of serious eye conditions that can lead to vision loss and even blindness. In this article, we will discuss how smoking affects the eyes and what you can do to protect your vision.
Tag: regular eye check up
Why is Reading Difficult as We Become Older
As you become older, you may find reading difficult. In fact, you may also notice that you’re holding books and restaurant menus farther, to see clearly. This is a normal process of ageing: all of us face this struggle, and is due to changes within your eyes over time. This refractive error, or vision problem, is called presbyopia.
Does Your Child Need Glasses
Older children, of course, will be able to tell you that they aren’t able to see clearly. Younger children are often unable to explain this. Moreover, in case the decrease in vision is gradual, even older children may not be able to comprehend the change. Here are a few signs that may indicate that your child needs glasses and may be experiencing vision related problems.
Eye Health Tips
Your eyes are the windows to your overall health. You must keep them healthy so as to preserve your vision. These eye health tips will help you in for maintaining healthy eyes into your old age.
Migraine and Eye
Migraine is typically defined as a headache without a cause. It is, however, often accompanied by uncomfortable eye related symptoms. Diseases of the ocular surface can exacerbate migraine headaches. In fact, migraines can trigger symptoms of dry eye, pain behind the eyeball (retroorbital pain), visual hallucinations, light sensitivity, and even decreased vision. This article explores the relationship between migraine and the eye.