How to Use Eyedrops

You may need to use eyedrops for short time, like for an eye infection or following surgery, or for a long time for chronic diseases like glaucoma or dry eye. In either case, it’s best to learn how to put eye drops yourself. Here’s are some tips and tricks which will make using eye drops easier.

Types of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a very good choice for people who needs vision correction but don’t want to wear glasses, or undergo LASIK surgery. To know if contact lenses are the right choice for you, read on about types of contacts lenses.

Why is Reading Difficult as We Become Older

As you become older, you may find reading difficult. In fact, you may also notice that you’re holding books and restaurant menus farther, to see clearly. This is a normal process of ageing: all of us face this struggle, and is due to changes within your eyes over time. This refractive error, or vision problem, is called presbyopia.

Contact Lenses for Children 

As a parent you must remember that contact lenses must be used with great caution in children, and only on advice of your eye doctor. Even infants may be prescribed contact lenses, if required. That said, most doctors prefer to prescribe contact lenses for children after they are twelve years or older. However, children above the age of eight may be eligible for contact lenses if they are responsible about hygiene.